Backyard Wilderness Signs Oldman Watershed Council's Water Charter 2017

The Oldman Watershed Council is excited about uniting municipalities and organizations in protecting our drinking water with the Southern Alberta Water Charter 2017.  You can too!

Our action: From May 15 through the September long weekend, 2017, Backyard Wilderness will place no fewer than a dozen trail cameras in Lethbridge yards to capture images of animals such as deer, rabbits, hares, raccoons, porcupines, skunks (and other nocturnal explorers). The goal is to turn Lethbridgians into citizen scientists involved in mapping the variety of species with which we share our city. What animals are thriving is close proximity to us? Where are the densest populations of these urban dwellers? And what do their movements through our backyards, parks, and alleys tell us about not only them, but also ourselves?